We are committed to the progress of our Communities

Empowering Local Communities

We have in many ways empowered Local Communities where our business exists. NigerStar7 is a socially responsible organisation that puts into consideration the needs of our hosts in the areas of Education by erecting schools for a conducive learning environment for the children; promoting local health with the raising up of Local Health facilities and portable drinking water; enhancing an enabling business environment with the erection of marketplaces and training of skilled artisans.

Empowering Local Manufacturers and Suppliers

NigerStar7 is committed to empowering local manufacturers and suppliers. The utilization of Nigerian vendors, suppliers, and subcontractors (giving first consideration) for materials/ services is pursued to the maximum extent possible compatible with other drivers of each Project. Essentially, our Engineering scope of work is carried out in Nigeria with Nigerian Engineers through our local partnership with Global Oceon Engineers Nigeria Limited.
Supplier’s forum is held annually to get feedback from our numerous vendors and adapt ways that will improve processes.

Nigerian Local Content

NigerStar7, we are fully committed to the Federal Government’s “Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Act” and strongly believe in its benefits for the Nigerian nation.
We are committed to developing Nigerian skilled labour and maximizing in a sustainable manner, the use of Nigerian human resources, materials, equipment, and services. We harness every potential to enhance the future of Nigeria and its citizens. We have been developing the industrial fabric of the country even before the Nigerian Content Act was passed into law.
Having maintained this policy in the last decade, we have contributed through our intensive investments over the years to the development of the Snake Island Fabrication yards as examples of the numerous steps that have been taken in this direction.
personnel have received training in a range of skills
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Nigerians trained under NHCDi
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man-hours achieved
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Creating Improved infrastructures

With a substantial capital injection in infrastructure upgrades over the past 18 months at Nigerdock, new equipment, machines, paint shops, rolling and can assembly shop, new offices, accommodation, warehouse and refurbished and new load-out quays have been put in place.

We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations and consistently ensure compliance with the Nigerian Content Act.

Participation in Industry Events

NigerStar7 has shown her presence in the leading Oil and Gas industry events such as the prestigious Nigeria Oil and Gas Conference and the Practical Nigerian Content Forum sponsored by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board.
One major reason for attending these events was to showcase the capabilities of NigerStar7 to the industry and to NCDMB, to network with IOCs and to seek ways that NigerStar7 can better perform amongst her peers in a very competitive and unstable business environment.

Transfer of Technical know-how

NigerStar7 undertakes continuous training and professional qualification programmes for Nigerian personnel as well as on-the-job skills acquisition for the goal of transfer of technical skills.
Our Human Capacity Development, Leadership and Supervisory Skills development programs are second to none. This includes Basic and apprenticeship fabrication training programs like welding, fitting, and machining.